Wellness Plus
Wellness Plus patients who wish to attend clinic every four to six week, following completing their intial plan of care satisfactorily. They will receive their chiropractic appointment at the cost of £35 (the cost of an appointment 12 years ago, when I first qualified).
With the guidance from the chiropractor, a patient decides how often they wish to attend clinic. For example, and they may choose to come every four weeks, and alternate chiropractic and massage appointments on a four weekly cycle.
By committing to attending clinic on a consistent basis, the aim is that a patient remains symptom free or at least comfortable and functioning at their best. Though should symptoms flare up or become aggravated, then any additional chiropractic or massage appointments will be received with a 10% discount. A patient can also take advantage of this discount and add a massage with Aimee in between their chiropractic appointments and receive a 10% on that appointment.
The plan is designed to be flexible to suit each individuals needs. If that is not enough, Aimee will also offer you a free yoga class as part of your plan. So if you decide to attend clinic every four weeks, you can receive a free yoga class every four weeks.
To summarise:
- is for patients who wish to attend clinic every four to six weeks;
- costs £35;
- you can swap between chiropractic and massage (pre booked appropriately);
- additional chiropractic and massage appointments during this time period receive a 10% discount;
- and you will receive free yoga classes every four to six weeks.